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service information voyageurs mobility consulting programmation girouettes enregistrement annonces vocales sonores programmation systèmes d'information voyageurs édition supports d'information voyageurs fiches horaires

passenger information

aim for excellence

"inform your travelers but not only ..."

Informing your travelers is, above all, a legal obligation that results in the dissemination of visual and audio information via different physical and/or digital media.


This information must be understood by the greatest number of people and must necessarily be adapted to people with reduced mobility.


Key of the customer journey, good passenger information not only informs but also retains travelers and recruit new ones.


In addition, the many existing conventional passenger information media can also be used innovatively and originally as a communication medium.

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in practice

Whole audit of your product? Redefinition of your strategyProgramming/editing of your passenger information tools/supports, etc.


mobility consulting will meet your specific needs.


Contact us to explain your goals, and we will be delighted to discuss with you!

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our leading services

transport destination sign programming

transport destination sign programming

  • Innovative programming:

    • standardization of passenger information

    • optimal use of mediums

    • improved accessibility

    • flow management/improvement of the customer journey

    • etc.

  • Classic programming according to your specifications and your desires

  • Updates according to your needs

voice announcements recording

voice announcements recording

  • Benefit from a professional quality human voice at the best price:

    • Studio-quality recording;

    • Multilingual announcements recording: French/English/Spanish (other languages on request)

  • Possibility of using the digital voices that you have with your TIS (Traveler Information System)

  • Recording of announcements improving the customer experience of your travelers

  • Updates according to your needs

  • Possibility of linking this service with that of passenger information system programming

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passenger information system programming

passenger information system programming

service programmation des systèmes d'information voyageurs mobility consulting
  • Optimized programming of your TIS:

    • information banners

    • TFT screens

    • passenger information terminals (PIT)

    • etc.

  • Programming according to your specifications and your desires

  • Updates according to your needs

  • Possibility of linking this service with the recording voice announcements

edition of passenger information materials

edition of passenger information materials

  • Editing of all your passenger information materials:

    • time table sheets

    • transport map

    • stops/stations

    • regulations

    • etc.

  • Updates according to your needs

service édition des supports d'information voyageurs mobility consulting

We will be your only point of contact in case actions require several providers.


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